7th Southampton (Bassett)
Scout Group

7th Southampton (Bassett)
Scout Group

Q & A
Scouting is open to all. Anyone can join, including girls! Religion, colour and creed do not matter, everyone is equal and welcome in Scouting.
Who can join Scouting?
Our Scout Group is in Bassett Southampton. On our section pages, we give an idea as to what night our sections meet, though they do change sometimes.
When and Where do we meet?
We have 30,000 young people on waiting lists around the country due to high number of Young People wanting to join Scouting.
Why do our sections have waiting lists?
Yes! All Members are covered under our Personal Accident and Medical Expenses Policy. Safety is our top priority, all activities are risk assessed and tested before a young person of any section takes part.
Will my child be insured when Scouting?
When your child starts, you will need to pay a £8 registration fee, to cover the cost of a necker, woggle, and badges. Subs for the Group cost £40 per term. This fee covers costs of running the group, trips, camps and activities are usually charged separately.
How much does it cost to be a Scout?
Yes, you must to tell your child’s current Section Leader that you are leaving the area. Then call the Scout Information Centre on 0845 300 1818 and they will be able to put you in touch with a volunteer in the area you are moving to.