7th Southampton (Bassett)
Scout Group

7th Southampton (Bassett)
Scout Group

Trustee Board
The Group Trustee Board supports the Group Scout Leader and ensures the effective administration of the Scout Group.
They are responsible for...
Maintenance of the Group’s property and equipment
Raising of funds and the administration of the Group’s finance
Insurance of persons, property and equipment
Group public occasions – and ensuring the Group is well regarded in public
Assisting with the recruitment of leaders and other adult support
Establish any sub-Committees which may be required
The appointment of co-opted Executive Members, Group Administrators and Group Advisers.
All members of the Group Exec. are volunteers, most are parents (or ex-parents) of Young People in the Group and Leaders. They keep the Scout Group running smoothly behind the scenes – without them the group could not exist. We encourage all parents to attend the quarterly meetings, as you can make a real difference to your child’s experience of Scouting!